Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Peanut!

My sweet Peanut - you turn four today. The countdown started about three weeks ago and now the big day is here! You have been soo excited. I wish I could stop time and keep you just the way you are. But I said that at eight months, and 18 months and two and a half. So really I don't - because I wouldn't get to watch you grow into the amazing little person you are.

I always say I'm not sure what I did on this earth to get to be your mommy. That big smile that greets me every morning. That inquisitive little brain of yours or that big heart that says "that's ok" every single time your little sister whacks you over the head. The way you color in the lines and are a pro at puzzles but get annoyed if you can't get it right. How after baking together you look at me and say "thank you momma for baking cupcakes for my class." Your absolute love for anything involving craft paper and glue and how your tiny body fits perfectly in the crook of my arms as if we were made for each other. How you hate spaghetti but love sushi. I know perfect doesn't really exist but you are certainly perfect to me. Three year-old whining tantrums and all.

Your grandma used to always tell me that I "was the beat in her heart" and I never really got it. But oh do I get it now. You are the person that made me a mom. That's a pretty big deal. You are the person that showed me how much my heart was truly capable of loving. And how scary loving someone that much can be. You teach me everyday to slow down and savor the little things. And how much possibility the world has.

It's hard to believe that four years has gone by since I took that little five pound peanut with a head full of thick black hair home from the hospital. Thank you for being my sweet angel and happy birthday. I love you super big.
