Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year

My husband says I am like a tornado. I come in, make a mess and leave;) Never truly finishing one thing. I used to argue with him, but with age comes wisdom. I can't seem to finish anything. I don't always remember being this way. Maybe it was having two kids 17 months apart and becoming a stay-at-home mom. Maybe it's the 3am wake up calls to let me know they fell out of the bed or want a banana. Maybe its the laundry that never seems to get done. Or the dinner that needs to be cooked. Or the fight that needs to be broken up. Or the boo boo that needs to be kissed. Maybe it's fear. I could go on. But I won't. Because to kick off the new year I am making a resolution - and one that I am going (to try really, really) to keep. I will do what I say I am going to do and I will finish what I start. Because there are to many inspirational quotes on pinterest telling me it is possible.

To put me in the right frame of mind I re-read Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project." I love that book. I've tried reading books from the likes of spiritual masters like Eckhart Tolle and quite frankly, I don't get them. I really tried, but honestly - they just aren't for me. But Gretchen approaches things differently. As a mom, a wife, a lawyer turned writer. So I can relate. I bring up the book because it provided me many "ah-ha moments". And reading it a second time, one line really stood out to me - "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." 

Which brings me full circle back to my resolution. I think I stop doing things because I'm worried they won't be perfect. I tried sewing for a few weeks, jogging for a month, painting a piece of furniture that has sat in my garage for almost a year and starting a blog that hasn't seen a post in three months. But when I get out of my comfort zone and worry what others might think I come up with an excuse why I can't finish. God, I hate it when my husband is right.

I hope 2013 is filled with exciting new ventures, a lot of laughter, a few completed DIY projects and the acceptance that pretty good is sometimes the best we got. And that's plenty.  

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